
Hiya, welcome to my blog!

1) Who am I?

I'm Swedish, 33 years old, green eyes, social, love animals - especially cats, speak fluent Spanish, not picky with food all though I struggle with oysters, favorite city would be Paris, never been to Africa, terrible at drawing - can't draw a square house if my life depended on it, love Big Bang Theory with Sheldon being my favorite, into 50-60 era furniture, plants will always suffer in my house - unless you're a cactus, coffee addict, rarely wear high heels, love ironic humor, always read the review section in the papers, not interested in sport unless Sweden is part of a world/Europe championship, which if it happens, never lasts long.

Obviously huge interest in books and film. Have a recent addiction with young adult literature, can't get enought of it. But you will (eventually) find other reviews here as well.

2) Why this blog?

The main purpose with this blog is to simply record what I read, because at the speed I’m reading now I’m doomed to forget most of it. Of course, if in the process I help you find a great book you hadn't known of otherwise, that'll make my day!

The format of the blog is simple, namely nothing but reviews. I won't be posting anything else.  

3) What am I looking for in a book?

I could talk for hours about the importance of an actual plot, or the writing, or the world-building, when really, it all boils down to one single word:


Without well-rounded characters, everything else falls short (in my opinion). Hence, the plot has to be character-driven, and the writing should show what the characters feel (not tell).

A paranormal twist is definitely a plus, but not a necessity. And if supernatural elements are involved, I have no preference..so bring on the vampires, weres, fairies, angels, ghosts, pixies, demons and what not else!

Oh, and I'm always on the look out for new great fiction, so feel free to drop me a line if you've read something good! Likewise, if there is anything you think I should avoid. All help is appreciated!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy my reviews,

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